

Satire is the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, and folly. Satire can be used to help someone realize their own fault or mistake in order to change it. Many people also use satire for the wrong reason, in a cruel way to make that person feel bad about themselves. I personally use satire to help a person that made an error notice what they have done wrong and encourage them to fix it without exactly telling them directly how to fix it. If a person trips and another person walks by and says, "Did you have a nice trip, see you next fall," the second person is being satirical in way that the first person might laugh because of the second person's humorous comment that was trying to advise being more careful when walking.

In a article I read by Taylor Mali titled the The "impotence of proofreading", he is satirizing that people do not proof read there work. Even the title itself is used to satire people that don't proofread their writing because the title is supposed to say "The importance of Proofreading", so already you are being misguided. He does this by writing his article in incorrect spelling to show how so many errors that aren't proofread in an essay can change the message of it. It's very difficult understand what the writer is trying to say if the spelling is incorrect, so it is very important that it is proofread. In one part of the article he say, "The teacher read my entire paper on A Sale of Two Titties out loud to all of my assmates." In reality he meant "Te teacher read my entire paper on A Sale of Two Kitties out loud to all of my classmate." Two totally different messages from the incorrect spelling and the correct. So many times easy mistakes like this can cause a reader to miss the correct message and your true message will never be acknowledged.

I read a satirical article in the "Onion" titled "Clint Eastwood Continues Desperate, 40-Year Attempt To Win Over Unimpressed Man". The article was about Clint Eastwood a five-time Academy Award winner and Hollywood legend, and how he's trying to impress Daryl Lorrimer a 53 year old repair technician.
Clint Eastwood- Film Director
So Eastwood try's a much as he can to impress Lorrimer, but Lorrimer just never was satisfied enough with his film's. It's frustrating for the director, he says, "Nothing I do is ever good enough for Daryl," clearly showing how badly he want's to Lorrimer. He is like a child trying to impress a girl that isn't interested, the way Eastwood is trying to satisfy this man is almost obsessive. I feel that Eastwood should first try to satisfy himself before trying to impress anyone else. As Eastwood continues to make movie's, in his attempts to make Lorrimer interested, he only appears to always be unsatisfied with the film's. Finally Eastwood makes the movie Invictus, which was a really good movie and Lorrimer comments, "Matt Damon was pretty good," as he walks out of the theater, but complains that the movie was too long. This article is satirizing Clint Eastwood on his obsession for Lorrimer's approval.

I then read a article "advice to youth", which was written by a man named Mark Twain. He wrote about tips to my a child or teenager's life easier. The tips were as simple as plainly not lying. These are six items of advice Twain provided.

  • Always obey your parents, he explains that this is the best policy because if you don't obey them, they will make you.
  • Be respectful to your superiors, even if that person offends you try to hold your emotions from exploding because it can lead to consequences that can get you into trouble.
  • Go to bed early and get up early in the morning. This is one of my favorite tips he gave because I believe that the amount of time you sleep the better your day is.
  • Try to stay away from lying. Instead, be patient, diligent, and painstaking attention to detail if you want to be be a better person and you wont have to lie about yourself, it'll just show.
  • Never handle firearms carelessly. There have been so many cases of teenage kids handling firearms carelessly and suffering horrible consequences for their actions. Guns should been only used with a license and for defense, nothing more.
  • Reading is important. Reading is important for many reasons, especially for your mind to exercise it's ability to do things. Why wouldn't you want to be smarter?

    Twain's tips are helpful because many teenager's know about these tips and have learned about them before but when it comes to putting them into their own life they failed to remember them. He says "obeying is his best policy because if you don't, they will make you," and it's true we can all tell from experience. That's because since they are the one's that raised you they feel that there is no way that you will ever be smarter then they are, and that's it. Twain believes that most parents know more then their children do, but the children can make more out of it by humoring that superstition than they can by acting on their own better judgment. This is like cheating the relationship between you and your parents for the better of the relationship. For example, when you just learned something in school and your go home and try to teach it to your parents, they usually have something to add to it that might not be accurate but you can just make a joke out of it instead of correcting them because that will aggravate them. Twain also announces to stay away from violence. He says, "in this age of charity and kindliness, the time has gone by for such things. Leave dynamite to the low and unrefined."

    Then I read a satirical article about a man named Binyam Mohamed
    Binyam Mohamed
    who was illegally kidnapped and brutally tortured for reading a spoof online about how to make a H-bomb and is still being held at Gitmo, where they have him on hunger-strike, even though he is no longer being accused of any crime. The article was basically making fun of the Obama and his plans to rollback Bush's
    © Edwin Diaz 2009